Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Yes, Mobile Marketing Platforms Will Be Part of The Marketing Norm In A Very Short Time

Mobile Searches Account for 10% of Google Queries

Mark Mahney, a Citi analyst, said in a research note released this week, mobile searches account for an estimated 10% of Google queries; the note was based on comScore’s July qSearch analysis. Mahney commented on the popularity of mobile queries, saying they are “growing very rapidly for Google perhaps triple-digit year-over-year growth.”

From the research service Internet2Go, analyst Greg Sterling put the numbers into layman’s terms. He explains, "Ten percent of 10,292,000,000 monthly queries is 1,292,000,000 or more than 1 billion monthly search queries coming from mobile devices in the U.S. alone.” According to Sterling, Google made just over $2 billion in Q1 2010 from search in the U.S. on; this is out of a total revenue of $6.7 billion. If there is the assumption that Google makes the same amount on every query, 10% of the Q1 search revenue would add up to just over $200 million. In actuality, Google does not make the same amount on each query, and with fewer ads in mobile (although there are higher response rates), Sterling estimates the actual revenue stream would be less than $200 million.

While these are just estimated calculations based on 10%, Sterling admits that “It's not crazy to suggest that mobile could be a billion-dollar revenue stream for Google within five years."
Read the full comScore report

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